Interaction Designer

The Globe — AT&T

Video: FLOAT4

For Gensler DXD’s work on the AT&T discovery district in Downtown Dallas, TX, I concepted and prototyped physical X digital interactions for The Globe, a Gensler-designed audio-reactive people-responsive sculptural centerpiece on a rotating turntable that’s enabled with LED, LiDAR, and spatial audio driven by TouchDesigner and Ableton Live. For these studies, I sent OSC data from Ableton (Max for Live) and Unreal Engine to TouchDesigner, generated the graphics in TouchDesigner, and sent them to Unreal Engine over Spout. As a result, the visualization ran in real time, allowing for design changes and exploration on the fly from both our team and the client.

Video: Electrosonic

Video: AT&T

All of the clips of my prototype below showcase audio-reactive visuals, so for the full experience feel free to hover over and use the player controls to unmute any of them.

Video: Gensler

The 30-foot immersive Globe has a mirrored outer surface that reflects surrounding buildings. Inside, 15 ribs are embedded with more than 300,000 colored LEDs, 20 speakers, 6 subwoofers and 6 LiDAR sensors.